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网址:www.baojie.aou1.cn  2021-07-10  作者:admin    阅读:

Basic knowledge of carpet
(1) Advantages of carpet
地毯是一种高档的装饰铺底材料,目前在商业、办公、展览广泛铺设,据统计在现代酒店写字楼,地毯铺设占总面积的 60% 以上。如今随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的家庭都进行了装修,在众多的地面装修材料中,地毯以其雍容华贵,脚感舒适,隔潮抗湿等诸多的优点,在人们的装修中得到越来越多的使用.
Carpet is a kind of high-grade decorative bedding material, which is widely used in business, office and exhibition. According to statistics, carpet laying accounts for more than 60% of the total area in modern hotel office buildings. Nowadays, with the improvement of people's living standards, more and more families have carried out decoration. Among the numerous floor decoration materials, carpet is used more and more in people's decoration because of its elegant appearance, comfortable foot feeling, moisture resistance and many other advantages
(2) Disadvantages of carpet
在人们的使用中,又对地毯的一些缺点感到很头橡胶托辊 槽型托辊 皮带托辊 平行托辊 保定搬家 保定搬家电话 保定搬家公司 保定搬家 铜鼎 铜狮子 痛,如地毯易脏且不易清洁,不易收藏,易褪色,不抗压易留痕等等。
In people's use, and some of the shortcomings of the carpet feel very headache, such as carpet easy to dirty and not easy to clean, not easy to collect, easy to fade, not pressure, easy to leave marks and so on.

